NEWSOKAO s.a. is located in Beauraing, Belgium. An office block, warehouses and manufacture buildings are the main structure of this company which can produce more than 1000 Tons of refractory products per month without engender any noise or pollution.
NEWSOKAO is a supplier of refractory products, as well for unshaped products as for prefabs, essentially on the European market. It ’s activity comes from the taking over of the entire production of SOKAO s.a., by three former employees accompanied by investors, whom are the company EUREFCO sarl (located in Luxembourg), an active engineer in metalurgy, and the general manager of the heating engineering ENGETIL s.a..

NEWSOKAO also committed themselves to develop a system of quality management following the norm ISO9001. The aims are to provide the tools improve constantly the quality constancy of the manufactured products, to ensure and ensure the customer of this quality constancy, to involve the staff and make of this the engine of the quality inthe company.